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Debt Collection


Set up solid collection policies and procedures to keep your cashflow on track
Gain separation between you and recovery of your customer debts
Take the indecision and stress out of debt

You may feel that a debt collector may be more hassle than it’s worth. And you get eaten up inside when chasing debt so find it’s healthier to let it go for small amounts.

Perhaps it all seems too complicated so you’ve been ignoring your difficult debts.

I’ll help you:

  • Address these questions
  • Collect money (we have contacts with reliable collection agencies)
  • Give you separation: it can be easier when someone else is doing the chasing
  • Put in place ways to prevent debts from escalating
  • Make the debt collection process less daunting
  • Come up with a debt management plan so it’s a normal part of your business process rather than a stressful abnormality

I’ll suggest debt collection strategies I’ve used successfully with small businesses - and we’ll tailor them to your business and comfort level.
You are not alone. You don’t need to feel overwhelmed, stressed, or confused about how to deal with customer defaults anymore.

Don’t let debts drag your business down

What should you do about debts when all possible avenues have been exhausted: Write it off? Get a debt collector? Ignore it?

 At what point should you bother? At $500 or $5,000?

Find out whether we’re a good fit. Then book in for a chat.

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